Disparities in health: common myths and uncommon truths
Authors: Reid P et al
Summary: The authors discuss disparities in health for Mäori in
relation to measures of socioeconomic deprivation. They identify 3
specific areas of importance with regard to disparities. The first is
a ‘distribution gap’. This relates to the skewed geographic distribution
of Mäori toward more deprived areas: 56% live in areas ranked
in the 3 lowest deciles. There is also an ‘outcome gap’, which
relates to differences in outcome which are still observed once
deprivation is controlled for. The third area is a ‘gradient gap’. This
is described as the relationship between ethnicity and increasing
deprivation. It appears that increasing deprivation compounds risk
for Mäori but not for Pakeha. The authors suggest that the design
and provision of healthcare services should be informed by both a
disparities focus, and a development focus.
Reference: Pac Health Dialog. 2000; 7(1):38-47 PMID: 11709879
Panui – upcoming events of interest to Mäori health providers and researchers
Summary: Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa (Mäori Medical Practitioners)
Hui aTau and Scientific Meeting 2007, 5th and 6th
May, Tangata Marae Matamata
This is the eleventh annual meeting for Te ORA. The theme
the conference is ‘Tohungia te pae tawhiti – Determining the
future’ with a focus on achieving equity in health outcomes for
Mäori and setting a timeline for that goal. For more information,
contact Lorraine Byers at 0800 4 TEORA (0800 4 83672)
or teora@teora.Ma.ori.nz
Launch for ‘Hauora IV –
Mäori Health Standards 1991 to 2004’
Known for providing high quality Mäori health statistics, the
latest in the Hauora series - Haoura IV - will be launched on
28 June 2007 at the Wellington School of Medicine. Hauora
IV not only provides the latest in Mäori health data. Expert
commentaries are also presented in chapters that cover
many of the major health issues faced by Mäori including
diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and mental health.
Four Hauora workshops will be provided in order to acquaint
people with the data. These will be held in Hawkes Bay,
Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington in late 2007/early
2008. For more information contact Dr Fiona Cram on
email fionac@katoa.net.nz