Development of a culturally tailored text message maternal health program: TextMATCH
Authors: Dobson R et al.
Summary: These researchers developed a
culturally tailored text message-based maternal
health programme (TextMATCH: Text for MATernal
and Child Health) for Māori, Pacific, Asian, and
South Asian families living in New Zealand.
Over an 18-month period, TextMATCH enrolled
1,404 participants; 260 (18.52%) actively opted
out at some point (after 0 to 17 months of
messages). A total of 356 participants actively
switched from the initial pregnancy programme
to the baby programme after delivery. After
18 months of implementation, telephone interviews
were conducted with 29 participants, including
6 who had withdrawn (duration of programme
from 3 to 16 months). Only 2 participants reported
that the programme was not useful; the remainder
indicated that the messages were very useful
(average rating of 4.24 out of a score of 5).
All participants stated that the messages were
relevant, culturally appropriate, and easy to
understand. Most were happy with the specific
advice and the language options provided.
Reference: JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2017;5(4): e49