Behavioural Disorders

Behavioural Disorders Research Review with Drs Craig Immelman and Giles Bates

This Review features key medical articles from global psychiatry journals with commentary from Drs Craig Immelman and Giles Bates. The Review covers topics such as autism, asperger's syndrome, personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, and psychiatric disorders.

Research Review publications are free to receive for all NZ health professionals.

View back issues of Behaioural Disorders Research Review publications here.  Also below are reviews of recent international medical conferences, new medicines, speaker events and other relevant publications.

RACP MyCPD Program participants can claim one credit per hour (maximum of 50 credits per year) for reading and evaluating Research Reviews.
For more information go to the RACP MyCPD Program handbook

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) CPD Program participants can claim one credit per hour under 'Category 4 - Self Guided Learning' (minimum 20 credits per year). Research Reviews can be included as ‘Self-Guided Learning’. For more information go to

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